Everyone must say something, so as soon as you get to class, get together with your group and plan what each person will say. Each person has about one minute, so be detailed but brief! Try to say something new, and not just repeat what others have said: something special!
HOORAY! WE GET TO SEE THE FRUITS OF YOUR HARD WORK AND THOUGHTFUL CONSIDERATION OF PROCESS! feminism in its collective aspects and processes is the heart of this assignment.
- First everyone in turn will introduce themselves to the whole class. Tell us both your first and last name, slowly and clearly.
- Someone will read the group's definition of feminism.
- Someone will describe the event the group came up with.
- Someone will describe the flyer and its design.
- Someone will characterize who the flyer and event is directed to, their audiences and distribution.
- One or more people will describe some relationships between the definition and the event.
- One or more people will talk about the group process, esp. how work was divided and how disputes were resolved.
- One or more people will discuss how the process of the assignment helps us consider what is feminism.
one group's presentation link: sexist images
one group's presentation flyer website style : stop the violence
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