Honoring the Life & Work of Samuel R. Delany
The Fifth Annual DC Queer Studies Symposium
A One-Day Conference at the University of Maryland
April 20, 2012, College Park
Free and open to the public
Complete program and registration form available here:
Please join us for what promises to be a lively spring festival of scholarly exchange in an interdiscipline that continues to challenge and transform the humanities, the social and behavioral sciences, and the world in which we live.
REGISTER FOR THE SYMPOSIUM: Registration is FREE and OPEN to the public. To register, please complete the online registration form, which is available here:
Or, you may also send an email to with the following information: your name, department/title (if any), institutional/organizational affiliation (if any), and email address. Also, please let us know if you will be joining us for the buffet lunch and/or the closing reception.
We ask that attendees preregister so that we can plan food accordingly. However, on-site registrations will also be accepted.
Sharing Projects for Assignment Three, Poster Session-Style Tuesday 17 April. That means for the first half of class time, 50% of class members will create small displays of their work all around our room, and the other half will walk around among these displays, talking to their presenters about their work individually and in little groups, interacting with them all at the same time. Katie and your TAs will also wander around, learning about your work and offering insights. Who displays and who walks around will switch in the second half of class time.
You cannot get full credit for this assignment until after you present your work in this poster session-style event. In other words, just a project object does not in itself complete the assignment, displaying yours and interacting with others is similarly important.
Bring with you: • any extension cords you might need to use your laptop in ANY PART OF THE ROOM; • masking tape to tape posters onto walls; and any other pieces of the station you are going to set up with your team members. Think ahead about what you will need and imagine with your team how you will create your own station in our classroom. Remember you have to be able to do it in any part of the room!! If anything is electronic remember it will be displayed only on any laptop you bring with you. Don’t expect to use the projector or computer in the room. Everyone will be showing off stuff all at once.
Be on time! As you come into our classroom on Tuesday 17 April you will • sign in, as a member of your team or partnership. Each team or partnership will • receive ONE token, with either 1 or 2 marked on it. We will flip a coin to decide whether the 1s or the 2s go first.
Half the teams or partnerships will then have five minutes to set up their small displays of their work all around our room. Then for half an hour everyone else will walk around among these displays, talking to their presenters about their work individually and in little groups, interacting with them all at the same time. Katie and your TAs will also wander around, learning about your work and offering insights.
Then the other half of the teams will set up in five minutes and we switch who displays and who walks around in the next half hour of class time.
You cannot get full credit for this assignment until after you present your work in this poster session-style event. In other words, just a project object does not in itself complete the assignment, displaying yours and interacting with others is similarly important.
If an emergency or illness prevents your participation,
to get full credit you will have to find two other WHOLE teams or
partnerships to share your work and their work outside class, and write
up the experience and what you learned from it to complete the
participation portion of that grade. It will be your responsibility to
locate these other students to help you out, from the goodness of their
hearts and with the supportive understanding that we all need help
sometimes. It is a lot easier not to miss the presentation day. SO DO
Digital photos: you can take them on the day and send them afterwards, or you can take them before the day and bring print outs of them with you to turn in to your TA. Any print outs should have the first and last names of all team or partnership members on them.
Logbook 3: be sure to bring your own individual logbook with you to turn in at the end of class to your TA, updated to include everything you are turning in for Ass. 3. Make sure it has your name on it!
Group’s Process Report: remember this is one of the places where you show how you all are analyzing what your project does with the tools of intersectionality. You are demonstrating in this report what you know about intersectionality, how it works in analysis, and how you used it in your project. Turn it in at the end of class to your TA. Make sure it has the first and last names of everyone in your partnership or team on it.
After class: copies of digital photos, process reports, and logbooks go into your dropbox folders. Label files <YRLASTNAME> 250 section # <WHATITIS> to make things easier for everyone! [for example: King 250 #02 Team Process Report]
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